Comments on: Week 2 Reflection Experiments in Digital Content Sat, 14 Sep 2024 02:47:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bryson Sat, 14 Sep 2024 02:47:10 +0000 I really enjoyed your analogy between AI and a mentor. AI is useful for a paper and it is just a tool, it is not another person that you need to cite and put as a “coauthor”. Your point on having AI write something and getting kids to grade it is especially genius because that leads to interactive learning. I remember being in school and learning better by seeing someone do something, attempting it myself, and communicating throughout the process about what is going on. That process allowed me to fully understand things; I can see students communicating and learning a lot from AI.

By: The01Raven Fri, 13 Sep 2024 23:04:37 +0000 Your mention of A.I. using partial knowledge that is then used in work reminds me of something. Much of writing relies on sources, allusion, and respect for other authors. A.I. seemingly disregards this. Can an A.I. replicate Steven King’s work, possibly, but could it pay homage to Steven King’s works? That I doubt.
On the topic of Ridolofo and DeVoss’ work, I find that by looking at the way technology has shaped communication, and therefore rhetoric, is super important. When we apply it to current technology, we usually think of A.I., but I would argue that social media is still an important field to consider delivery. They focused mostly on YouTube, but considering TikTok’s effect on delivery: our messages are smaller, we employ a different format, and are expected to be more animated. Not saying this is bad, but more so saying that technology has drastically shaped what we consider important.
