Comments on: AI Resources Experiments in Digital Content Sat, 21 Sep 2024 00:38:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: The01Raven Sat, 21 Sep 2024 00:38:35 +0000 To answer your question, no I do not believe that AI could ever be researched ethically again. Much of the data sets that were gotten have been fed into larger data sets that AI is using. How would we separate these data sets? Moreover, we must consider the context that these were gathered. If every Facebook user agreed to give away their data, we would still have issues. How many photos posted on Facebook are of city shots, of people’s kids, or include people who did not agree. I would guess quite a lot. The issue with using this data is once again that it removes context. The only way to make it ethical is through a proper study (which is already mostly devoid of context). Then we run into the issue of database size. In short, I do not believe it will ever be possible to gain this data ethically in a meaningful capacity.

By: C6H6 - Benzene Fri, 20 Sep 2024 01:09:09 +0000 I really like how you drew out the major key parts of her set on Data. I think Ai is often mistaken for true natural intelligence, just as stated, but rather more is massive engine, generating data. While the human mind is the same, “downloading” key phrases and information to our brains and then regurgitating them later on, AI is only able to access how much the provider allows it to, which is us.
I think the mention of Ai eventually being able to become intelligent enough to create on its own is really big and can be quite scary to think of how it could impact us in the future. I just don’t know if Ai will be anything more than a strong tool, something that while has the ability to generate answers and create projects, it will still be limited to the confinement of the human mind. Unless of course it turns into terminator.
