Comments on: Ethical Concerns Towards A.I. Experiments in Digital Content Fri, 20 Sep 2024 01:22:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: sunburned cowgirl Fri, 20 Sep 2024 01:22:18 +0000 In regard to the humanization of AI, have you heard of that one program/ app that uses AI to allow someone to talk to any fictional character or celebrity… with the characters/ celebrity’s VOICE?! My friend recently showed it to me, and I was so shocked, because I looked into it, and people were… romantically involved with an AI version of Edward from Twilight… I was shocked to say the least, 1) because that’s crazy and 2) covid me would have loved to mess with that. Your post just made me think of that, and how as humans we humanize everything. I mean I have a stuffed animal that I am convinced has an extensive background outside of being my stuffed animal… does that make me crazy, or does it mean I have attachment issues??? Probably yes to both of those, but that’s not the point. The point is, I agree with you that as humans our default is to give life to things that don’t have a soul. I think it might be some form of coping or maybe we are bored, or maybe we all need a little more love in our life, and hey, it’s easy to be best friends with your pet than go out and socialize. Anyways, your post had me thinking a lot about the human tendency to give meaning to everything, especially by humanizing objects and things. Great post!

By: adimae77 Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:25:46 +0000 Great article! You made some good points, especially about the dehumanization of people when they’re reduced to data and the new pieces of “work” companies are publishing or putting out that are obviously AI generated. I also liked your questions about companies’ Terms of Service. I don’t know anyone who actually reads those, but now, it could potentially be dangerous not to. It worries me what companies will train off of our data in the future; clearly they have no moral qualms with stealing, so I can’t imagine how much farther they’d be willing to go to make a profit. Again, thanks for your good input!
