Comments on: Week 3 Reflection Experiments in Digital Content Sat, 21 Sep 2024 00:28:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: The01Raven Sat, 21 Sep 2024 00:28:38 +0000 Your definition of content is very interesting but I would like to test it. You have defined content through the platform it is on. This means that a movie would become content once it is on the internet. Moreover, would a platform like Netflix become a content creation platform, or is it merely a host of content? What about the days before Netflix was a streaming service, and delivered movies through the mail, did it deliver content then? I’m not saying your definition is wrong to be clear, I am just curious as to what your response would be.

Your questions of ethics in the workplace are interesting. I have a fairly materialistic perspective on it. Companies are as ethical as they have to be to get and keep workers. Places like Amazon do not have to be ethical because they embrace a high turnover rate and low-skill jobs (TBH I do not like the term low and high skill jobs but it is useful here). I believe that digital frontiers could end up more unethical, but I also believe that unions have been doing big pushes, so I do not believe it will be.

By: Baileycrosslin Fri, 20 Sep 2024 23:53:33 +0000 I think your interpretation of content was really interesting, especially because you say “You have the ability to interact with it, let it impact you, and provide discourse around it.” Content isn’t just something inside of something else; there must be some kind of interaction with it to make it true content.

In reference to your thoughts on Doctorow’s work, I agree completely. I think that ethics, while already scarce in many workplaces, is going to become more scarce and therefore more crucial.

Overall, I agree that we will have to learn how to adapt our lives – personal and professional – to the growing force that is the Internet and AI.

By: Bryson Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:14:20 +0000 I love your analogy of a backpack or folder. It makes it very easy to understand what content is and how many different forms of content can be content within one specific topic. Your insights on AI working with us is while humans remain more advanced is one I agree with. The way I view the relationship between AI and humans is this. Humans think in abstracts and have to translate those into words to be able to communicate with AI. AI will never be (well if it does become able to then the world will be a scarier place) able to read your thoughts and know what EXACTLY you meant. It can get better and better, closer and closer, to giving us what we want, but we will always have to use our own brains as a filter to make sure AI is doing what we want.
