Comments on: The Beginnings of Verified: Intro to Ch. 3 Experiments in Digital Content Mon, 09 Dec 2024 18:10:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: sunburned cowgirl Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:09:55 +0000 I thought these three chapters were extremely insightful. I was never taught the differences between .com and .org websites, so I found it interesting that people see them as two different levels of trustworthiness. For me, I never looked to see if it was a .com or .org website, because for me it never held any importance. So, being introduced to this myth was fun to read about, because I never considered a .org site trustworthy or a .com site untrustworthy… I deemed them reliable based on other methods. I also liked your point about websites that are fancy aren’t always reliable. For me, when I see a nice website that is well formatted and everything seems to check out, my first instinct is to say it is trustworthy. That is not always the case, as we read about… Sometimes a nice-looking site is spreading false information around like wildfires, whereas some serious nonprofits have websites that look like they haven’t been updated in decades. Overall, these chapters taught me a lot, and I appreciate your detailed summary of these chapters! Great post!
