Comments on: Verified (no, I’m not talking about Gordon Ramsay’s Twitter account) Experiments in Digital Content Fri, 13 Dec 2024 02:15:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: swanXVI Sat, 28 Sep 2024 04:06:30 +0000 Hey! Fellow person who was never taught the .org/.com rule here. Don’t feel bad! I really admire your comedic tone here. I found that practicing the SIFT method in class allowed me to intake the value in each step, and also taught me the value of patience when looking into a headline or claim. I do agree that some of what was said about Google searching felt redundant, but I also believe that there are too many people out there that just do not understand how to communicate with any search engine effectively. That’s a real shame, as it’s not like the need for a search engine is going away soon, so knowing how to effectively and properly search for something is going to be an increasingly valuable tool. Solid work overall!

By: adimae77 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 19:36:00 +0000 Hello!
Your heading made me laugh–I love the little frowny face. But in all seriousness, you made some good points in your article. I’m a bit surprised you were never taught the .com/.org “rule,” but it’s a good thing to mention. Lots of folks are easily swayed by appearances, when in reality that’s the easiest thing to fabricate. I like that you touched on the book itself and not just the content within it; I also found these chapters a little repetitive and unnecessarily lengthy. It makes me curious if they introduce anything else new in the rest of the book, or if it’s just more drawn-out examples. Great article!

By: lary_rin Thu, 26 Sep 2024 21:12:30 +0000 I won’t lie, I clicked to read your post based on the title and I was not disappointed in the slightest with the way you went over the chapters of verified. I like that you focused in on the .org versus .com myth that the book debunks. The fact that you didn’t know there were such rumors amazes me since that feels like such an elementary rule that gets ingrained into your brain. I know in high school when I did research papers, I felt so guilty using .com websites while most everyone went to .org ones.

You are so right though about the third chapter though! I appreciated reading through the examples, but it did feel like that entire chapter was just explanation of a claim that doesn’t really need support. Like: what do you mean google is going to tell me answers based on the words I put into the search? It feels dumb looking at it from that perspective. There were few things in that chapter that felt like new information to me.

You’ve really wrapped up the end nicely. I can’t agree more that this book is just repetitive and really could be simplified as easily as you did.
