Comments on: Goodness, It’s Week Five Experiments in Digital Content Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:30:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: sunburned cowgirl Fri, 04 Oct 2024 00:30:06 +0000 Your post was so fun to read, while also being informative. I appreciated your mention and emphasis on trust compression. I find trust compression to be an everyday issue we have all faced a least once. The idea that a friend, coworker, or family member will compress the means of a particular issue to limit the number of differences between the options is a common incident that happens far too often. This usually causes you to make a decision without knowing the true facts behind each option, because “Hey, my good friend told me they are all the same, so why does it matter?”… well, it obviously matters because there are differences behind the compression of the options. With all that to say, I appreciate that you touch on how to avoid that issue. Overall, great job on this post!

By: Baileycrosslin Fri, 27 Sep 2024 22:26:59 +0000 I love how you emphasize the connections that lateral reading and reading the room have to SIFT, therefore emphasizing the interconnectedness of this book as a whole. I think talking about Reading the Room is really important when talking about an article or the Internet as a whole because if you don’t know what opinions are more popular and which might not be, we can make some mistakes in what we believe. However, becoming cynical about every piece of information we read on the Internet very likely leads to trust compression. Trust compression is the feeling that since one source might have produced inaccurate information, you cannot trust that source or any related sources on that topic anymore. At its worst, this leads to a total cynicism in almost everything on the Internet.
