Comments on: Lo-Fi Tech and You: Why These Things Matter Experiments in Digital Content Wed, 09 Oct 2024 17:21:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: e.g.lane Wed, 09 Oct 2024 17:21:45 +0000 This week’s readings were very interesting to me. I felt called out in Monica Chin’s “File Not Found” because I am guilty of having disorganized files. I kind of felt like I was a little kid, and a friend suddenly came over to find my room messy! I was never taught any sort of organization when it came to my computer, and it’s only been recently that I had to organize things. On the topic of saveability/accessibility when it comes to websites, files, data, etc., I had never really given it much thought before. “The Lo-fi Manifesto” was a heavier read than Monica Chin’s, but it helped me understand just how important digital writing knowledge is for writers and the like!

By: The01Raven Mon, 07 Oct 2024 15:17:05 +0000 I 100% agree. I believe that as computers have become more commonplace, people have stopped learning as much as they should about them. But that goes for everything. How much of us knows how a car works? Should we know the basics so we can repair it, of course, but how many of us can say we do? I believe this comes from our relationship with technology. Something that we can just use and not have to worry about its actual workings.
“File Not Found” goes into detail about how people were taught, whereas the younger generation is not.
“Lo-Fi Manifesto” goes into detail about how, if you produce content, you need to understand the tools you are using.
You hit the nail on the head with your closing remark. By understanding the technologies we use, we can ensure our stuff last much longer.
