Comments on: Summoning Jen Simmons: A LinkedIn Tutorial Experiments in Digital Content Sat, 19 Oct 2024 01:11:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Goldie the Goldfish Sat, 19 Oct 2024 01:11:01 +0000 I love the title first of all lol. Also, I unfortunately relate to the bare minimalism. I worked hard on the written part of the guide but when it came to the images I was struggling so hard and eventually I just gave up and settled for the oversized images I managed to cram in there. I also agree with your point that experimenting with these tools makes them a lot easier to use (who would have thought practice actually helps right?) so I’m hoping that I gradually start to suck less. Also I don’t think anyone blames you for your group project PTSD haha.

By: sunburned cowgirl Thu, 17 Oct 2024 17:19:21 +0000 First off… the title for this post made me laugh so hard. I love it so much. Secondly, I feel a lot of us can relate to not feeling the most confident about our first project. I know I was proud that I got my images to finally show up, but the actual format of it and the HTML behind it was quite… lackluster. So, I understand the feelings you feel regarding that project (feeling like it was the bare minimum).

Also, I am excited for the next two projects for this course! I think it will be fun to do the actual research for the projects, but I am not excited for the coding. I barely made it through the Markdown language, I am not ready for using HTML and CSS in full. I am nervous my project will be even more lackluster than the first.

I also understand your sentiment about group projects. Unfortunately, that’s a very common experience students have with group work. Hopefully it goes better for you this time around!

By: lary_rin Wed, 16 Oct 2024 18:30:19 +0000 I can relate quite a bit with the feeling that maybe I didn’t put that much effort into this first project. Between making sure I get my graduation requirements figured out and making my filmmaking capstone, I have not been able to put much thought or care into this class even though its really cool!

Your comparison of the Verification question to ARGs on YouTube is actually really creative. I didn’t think of it that way, but it is very similar the process of being led to different sources: websites, images, codes, videos, etc. That honestly would be a really cool way to the project, or even the final project could be cool to do that way.

I hope you find that the group project isn’t as daunting as it may seem right now, you seem to have a really cool outlook on these projects and an awesome mindset on learning HTML and CSS!
