Comments on: The Horrors of HTML and CSS Experiments in Digital Content Sat, 19 Oct 2024 03:43:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: C6H6 - Benzene Sat, 19 Oct 2024 03:43:15 +0000 So, funny I have literally taken multiple Spanish classes, and of course, they were usually required in highschool, but I got the amazing opportunity to take one in college, and goodness you were right on the mark when it being your equivalent. When you are learning a new language, you are going to not always understand all of it, but often you should be able to get the basics.

While I can’t say I really paid attention in Spanish class, I will say learning HTML has really reminded me of it. The style languages have is so similar to learning HTML, and even later CSS on how unique they are. All languages follow basic principles, but yet they are designed so differently.

My hope is for myself, and the rest of us, I don’t end up like how I did with my Spanish class.

By: adimae77 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 20:28:53 +0000 Hi Lary, great post! I love your comparison to learning (human) languages. It does feel a bit like that, although I’m basing that just off of my two-years-of-high-school and couple-semesters-of-college french. It takes some getting used to, because it’s new, but then you’ll start to recognize patterns and things will start clicking. I’m hoping that trend continues with CSS, and you’ve given me some hope that that’ll be the case! It was also interesting to hear about your experience in computer classes. I had taken a couple because they were mandatory, but I was never even taught any file management skills, let alone HTML. Super neat that you’re coming into this with some prior knowledge, and you’re finding high school classes still helpful! Thanks for sharing your perspective 🙂
