Comments on: Exploring CSS–Quickly Experiments in Digital Content Fri, 25 Oct 2024 22:45:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Baileycrosslin Fri, 25 Oct 2024 22:45:46 +0000 I’m right there with you in terms of going into CSS, feeling pretty nervous and unprepared. Watching Dils’s tutorial helped, but I completely understand the fear that I may not have the patience or skills to make my project look how I want it to. I agree that the LinkedIn tutorial seemed to gloss over some of the more specific topics or topics that needed more explanation. I think with the Verification Quest, the difficulty is going to be not so much collecting the information but arranging it and writing it in a way that is nonfiction but also engaging and storytelling.

By: Ktyria Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:21:31 +0000 I can definitely relate to feeling a bit overwhelmed with the HTML and CSS side of things. It’s a lot to take in, and honestly, CSS makes me nervous too. I’ve found that with practice, though, things start to click a little more! I’m also really excited for the Verification Quest project, especially on the research and writing fronts. Like you, I think the creative non-fiction angle is going to be a fun challenge.

I’m with you on the whole “Googling with bias” habit—it’s so easy to just search for things with the exact words already in your head. But I think being more mindful of it is the first step, and once we start catching ourselves, it’ll get easier over time. Plus, being aware of it can really help us dig deeper into our sources and find stronger evidence.
