HTML and CSS Reflections

So this is the first time I am writing a blog post with Markdown! So forgive me if some of the formatting is odd.

This week we continued our discussion on HTML by learning CSS. Moreover, we have been working on the project Verification Quest. In addition to working on Verification Quest I spent a little of my fall break working on HTML. This post will be my observations on HTML and CSS while working on it. Moreover it acts as a follow up to my previous post


I actually find HTML fairly easy to understand and work with. The main issue I have is that I have to constantly revisit outside sources.

The one I find myself revisiting most is This Site. It’s not that I have a hard time understanding the specific concepts in HTML, I just find myself forgetting the specific syntax.

Another struggle I have always had with coding is making sure I use comments liberally. It is really easy to think to yourself “I don’t need to link that it just self-explanatory.” Let me tell you, it is never that easy to understand.
Once upon a time, I tried to create a website for my blog, this was back like a year ago. The first thing that I noticed was that I could come back week after week and have to relearn everything I did, which left me burnt out and so I gave up. I’m not going to do that again and I recommend you all do not let yourself fall into that habit, so use your comments!

Overall, I find HTML really fun!


Oh no! CSS was the reason I dropped making a website. Coming back to it I realize its not too different then HTML, but that doesn’t mean I find it as easy.

In particular, I am trying to learn Flexbox. This has been very hard, but I am already finding it fun!

Once again, my biggest issue is with syntax, so i just use w3schools for help with syntax. Again, this stuff is annoying, but I think overall the best way to learn is to do!


HTML and CSS are some of the most important tools in the digital writer’s toolbox. This is what allows us to have versatility with our writings. I want to further this idea, I believe that almost anyone who uses the internet should have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. These are the building blocks of the web, this is what enables us to research and write digitally, why shouldn’t we attempt to understand such a foundational part of our life? So, despite the difficulty I and many others are experiencing, this is a call to action. Learn these tools as deeply as you would learn grammar, sentence structure, and research skills. Moreover, create with it, as that’s the best part of these tools!

Questions: How is your experience with HTML and CSS? What gets you most excited about these tools?






3 responses to “HTML and CSS Reflections”

  1. Frog Avatar

    I can definitely relate to the constant revisiting of w3schools for the specific syntax. It really is like trying to learn a new language, so you fill in the blanks with your pre-established vocab.
    I appreciate the line, “Why shouldn’t we attempt to understand such a foundational part of our life?” The web is such a conceptually complex thing that has always been a part of our lives. It does make learning about website construction feel more valuable.
    My experience with html and css has been bumpy, but I enjoy how much control I have over my work. I so desperately want to create something that looks visually striking.

  2. adimae77 Avatar

    Hi, great post! It’s super cool that you decided to try writing a blog post in Markdown. That’s probably a really great way to solidify our skills now that we’re not required to use Markdown for an assignment. I appreciated your perspective on the importance of learning HTML and CSS. Like, even if we’re not actively building websites, we’re definitely actively visiting them. It would be great to understand how they work—and really be an educated internet user—instead of just taking things at face value. I’m also not really having issues with the concepts of HTML and CSS, but more so with the syntax. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  3. swanXVI Avatar

    Man, I relate to the self-explanatory comment a lot. I can’t tell you how many times I had to remember that while writing my How To guide. W3schools has been a life saver for both HTML and CSS. I’m a little technologically illiterate, so having a site that can constantly remind me how to not screw up a document has been fantastic. My overall experience with HTML and CSS has been challenging if I’m being honest. It’s a welcome challenge, though. The most important part of this learning process has been reminding myself that it is okay to mess something up. Failure has taught me more about these programs than anything, and those failures have encouraged me to explore CSS specifically more than I would initially would have. I’m having a ball with the Verification Quest so far, and I’m really excited to fail at using Twine in the next month or so.