Comments on: Week 8 Post – The Conspiracy Quest and CSS Experiments in Digital Content Sat, 26 Oct 2024 02:37:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: The01Raven Sat, 26 Oct 2024 02:37:13 +0000 It seems like you have been putting a lot into Verification Quest. I would like to add some more input onto the topic of Unverifiable beliefs. The thing with them is that it’s true if the statement is true but also true if it isn’t. If there is no evidence, then that’s the evidence. The other thing I recommend you to look out for that shares a similar idea is circular logic. This is when an argument is self-referential, If A is true then B is true, if B is true then A is true. Aliens exist because UFOs exist. UFOs exist because aliens make them. This logic is circular, which does not work. I imagine when you go investigating, you might walk into arguments that say “The government is modifying the weather. This is because the weather hits parts of the country the government wants.” This is a fallacy. One more piece of warning about circular reasoning, it often is a lot longer. I always recommend tracking claims and seeing if they all justify one another because then you have circular reasoning!

By: Ktyria Fri, 25 Oct 2024 14:22:46 +0000 It sounds like this week gave all of us a lot to think about. On the CSS side, it’s great that you’re diving deeper into concepts like Flexbox and Grids! Specificity can feel overwhelming at first, but you’re absolutely right; understanding the order of operations in CSS is a game changer for making everything work as intended.

As for the Verification Quest, it’s awesome to see you reflecting on past beliefs and embracing critical thinking. It’s difficult but so valuable to separate strong emotions from evidence when researching a topic, especially one as loaded as weather modification. Plus, the insight from your pastor really resonates—it’s empowering to develop your own beliefs based on research and understanding rather than just taking others’ word for it. Best of luck with your research!
