Comments on: Wait… It’s all ads? Experiments in Digital Content Fri, 15 Nov 2024 23:41:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Missalot Fri, 15 Nov 2024 23:41:28 +0000 Wow, what a fun post! Not to echo what everyone else is saying in here, but seriously, how you write is super engaging. I would love to learn a skill like that. I clicked on your post and your intro sentence immediately hooked me. You know what, I AM curious about hearing you yap about topics that have the possibility of making you upset! Your advice about taking a break and being patient is quite good, and it’s something that I should personally practice a bit more of.

I have no disagreements with anything you’ve said, and I truly empathize with the idea of being trapped by ads. I’m tired of seeing them too, and finding out that they’re masquerading as articles is viscerally upsetting to me. I’m so tired, man.

By: lary_rin Fri, 15 Nov 2024 17:19:58 +0000 I completely forgot most of what we read in Verified so this was a great run down of everything. That being said, your personality and your thoughts on everything were so enjoyable, and I especially liked in the misinformation section that if you know how to edit you can fool a lot of people. You have this straightforward and honest thought process on how what we’re reading is really teaching us. The mention of patience in that same section is just a great piece of advice to provide because of the state of the internet and everything that is on it including those hidden ads. I want to jump back up in your post about peer review. I am so glad someone else didn’t really know what peer review consisted of. That was one of the few sections where I was like: oh, that’s interesting. Keep up the good work, and keep writing in this really fun way!

By: adimae77 Fri, 15 Nov 2024 03:15:53 +0000 Hello!
Your post was such an enjoyable read! I love how you mention patience still being valuable, even in a time of instant-everything. It’s easy to forget that it’s okay (and sometimes very important) to wait for things, especially things that dwell on the internet. Staying vigilant, like you mentioned, and not letting your emotions run rampant is an important factor in not getting fooled by folks who want to mislead others. Speaking of! Those disguised advertisements were crazy to me. I understood from experience how bad the ads online had gotten, but it was still new information to me that advertisers were consciously and purposely creating “native” ads. Great post!
