HTML and Reflections

This will be a bit different from my usual postings. Instead of a nice clear thesis and argument, this will instead be a reflective post. Hopefully y’all will be able to learn something from this as well. Moreover, this will be a lot shorter.

So, the How-To-Guides have been submitted. I feel pretty good about mine. There are definitely elements where I could have done better, and if it was something I wanted to publish, I would definitely have it go through a few more revisions, but it works.

What I learned is much more important. I learned how to do proper revisions on digital artifacts. I learned about the value of Markup, and will be switching over to it for future discussion posts. It is something I would like to be fully acquainted with. If I ever do video content, I would use it for scripting. If I am writing a blog post, I would want each of the drafts to be in their own Markdown document.

Managing files is another thing I learned. I usually do not put much effort into file management. I would like to change that, especially if I want to be able to manage multiple projects.

I learned how to tailor a piece to an audience. I struggled with knowing what I needed to explain. Much of the information I know is not common knowledge. If I want to be able to be articulate, then I must know what I want to explain. This includes when and how to use images, as I feel I overused images.

I cannot wait to start on the next project!

We also explored more on HTML. There is definitely a lot to learn, and some of it is VERY confusing. I plan on devoting at least some of my fall break to it.

I do wish to someday have my own website and blog, to do so I will definitely have to be used to it. But that’s okay! I’m really excited to learn and devote time to it!

So, how is your semester going? What takeaways did you have from your projects? What are y’all learning and planning to learn next? Any fall reading?






2 responses to “HTML and Reflections”

  1. jenjam02 Avatar

    I feel you in that turn in process. There are lots I could do better but I’ve learned a lot from the experience. We’ve some valuable insights from our recent projects. It’s great to hear you feel good about your How-To-Guide. Seeing room to improve is never a bad thing either. I’m glad to hear you want to change how you manage files because that’s something I definitely want to get better at too. It’s exciting to be diving deeper into HTML but also scary since there is so much. It can be a bit overwhelming, but you seem enthusiastic about it. Everything has been a mix of challenges and new discoveries. I’m also excited about learning more coding concepts.

  2. […] This week we continued our discussion on HTML by learning CSS. Moreover, we have been working on the project Verification Quest. In addition to working on Verification Quest I spent a little of my fall break working on HTML. This post will be my observations on HTML and CSS while working on it. Moreover it acts as a follow up to my previous post […]