Experiments in digital creation.

  • Flip Your Laptop and Read this Sideways

    I want you to picture someone laying on their side in that really cliche way You know the one: How the loud kid in a class or club would always try to pose when you took a picture. Maybe that’s not a universal experience but I feel like it is. In this imagined scenario, the…

  • Adventures in Markdown and Internet Sleuthing

    Caulfield and Wineburg’s Verified was once again the topic for this week. They had some interesting points to bring up in chapters four and five, such as the importance of lateral reading, understanding the limits of your own knowledge, and identifying the patterns of information found in search results. We also took more steps to…

  • Ignorance Is Bliss

    I wish we could take things at face value, but the internet has made it impossible to tell where lies start and end. How do you know when you should be skeptical, especially when the subject is so foreign to you. Is it worth the effort to search for answers to questions you don’t know…

  • Google U. And It’s Consequences

    We now live in an era of self-identified experts. People love pretending like they know what they are talking about. So many people are out pretending as though they have a medical degree in pathology, political science, or law. They go out on social media, blogs, and YouTube spreading misinformation (or at the very least…

  • Goodness, It’s Week Five

    Alright Gang, what shall we discuss in week five? WELL, after another day (not Tuesday since there wasn’t a reading) of reading from our marvelous prize winner’s book, Verified, we were given even more “gifts” on how to conquer our little friend, the internet. Previously we got introduced into beloved acronyms like SIFT and CRAAP…

  • Controlling the Internet & Not Letting it Control You

    Yay! More Verified! Honestly, the more I read this book the more I realize that I’ve been such a passive Internet user. Before this course, I had never thought about things such as lateral reading, which is the process of reading around an article. What that means is basically researching not the words in the…

  • Instructions Not Clear, I Ran Over The Curb

    Remember how I mentioned that some guys out there decided to dub the internet as a car and thought they should write a car manual for it? Well, in the next few chapters of “Verified” by Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg, four and five, we dive right back in with some more instructions that were…

  • What’s the Vibe?

    In chapters four and five of Verified by Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg, we are introduced to the different methods of researching on the internet. One key aspect of internet searching is that your printed text research skills and methods DO NOT equal the skills and methods needed for digital research.  With printed research, we…

  • Who to Trust on the Internet? Is There Anyone?

    Verified Chapter 4 – Lateral Reading: Using the web to read the web A website may seem like it has good information, but does it have good intentions? What does it support? What does it provide? It may be helpful in some aspects but then turn around and totally dismiss a group of people. You…

  • Who Said it Would Be Easy?

    We’re continuing our talk about Caulfield and Wineburg’s book, Verified. Specifically, the concept of easy access and the line between gullibility and cynicism. It’s not that simple… As the internet changes, we are going to have to change with it if we don’t want to be misguided or duped. Verified outlines how to start making…