Experiments in digital creation.

The Beginnings of Verified: Intro to Ch. 3
Introduction In the Introduction of Verified we get a glimpse of the importance of being cautious when encountering shocking/surprising news. In an age of misinformation, it’s easy to spiral based on false articles. Before accepting anything as true, we need to pause and verify the facts to avoid falling into misinformation traps. Chapter 1: Get…
Crawford’s AI
The concept of real-world consequences of an online program is brought up in Kate Crawford’s “Atlas of AI,” which immediately caught my attention immediately because of its rarity when talking about AI. When someone talks about ChatGPT, they usually aren’t talking about how the development and maintenance of the AI program is damaging not only…
Week 3 – Networks and Their Effects, Defining Content, and more AI
—————————————————————————————- Networks and Their Effects In class this week, we read a chapter from “The Internet Con” by Cory Doctorow. This chapter, called “Network Effects vs. Switching Costs”, discusses what networks and the interesting elements that construct them are. I found networks to be very fascinating because they are VERY intertwined with day-to-day life. A…
This Week on Digital Writing (Week 2)
I completed three readings in my Digital Writing Course this week. “A Brief History of Content in a Digital Era” by Kate Eichorn, “Network Effects vs. Switching Costs” by Cory Doctorow, and “The Atlas of AI” by Kate Crawford each present valuable bits of information that were up for class discussion. Let’s jump in and…
What do you get when you cross Mark Zuckerberg, a horse, and AI? This
Ding-dong the witch is dead. Psych, her name is Facebook and she’s still kicking (probably puppies). In “Network Effects vs. Switching Costs” Doctorow briefly explains the development of the internet as we know it today. Back in the day, the internet wasn’t quite so interconnected until Gopher came along and started to change things. Doctorow…
The Product King of the Internet
What actually is the meaning of the word ‘content?’ Why is it so difficult for us to switch social media? Is AI intelligent, and what are the implications of people being turned into content farms for this burgeoning new industry? While these topics may seem disparate, I promise they all blend together rather seamlessly. Each…
Ethical Concerns Towards A.I.
Hello y’all, Isn’t it funny how people have decided to humanize A.I.? For example look at ELIZA, a simple A.I. meant to replicate a therapist. People quickly developed feelings for the A.I. despite knowing that it was a simple program. It is through this that we see humans need to humanize others, including a program.…
Assumptions about–and made by–AI
Artificial intellegence as a whole is fascinating, if only for the amount of layers and facets the topic has. Kate Crawford, in her book Atlas of AI, wants to map out machine learning’s reach in more depth than previous writings about it have been able to accomplish. In order to do this, she covers topics…
Week 3 Reflection
Over the course of week 3, we studied three different texts. During our conversation over Eichhorn’s work, there was a lot of talk of what the term “content” meant. For me, my description of content is comparable to a backpack or a folder. Let’s say within this “backpack” ( a representation of content) it holds…
AI Resources
We should stop anthropomorphizing AI. In Kate Crawford’s Atlas of AI, she says, “AI is neither artificial nor intelligent, rather artificial intelligence is both embodied and material”. This idea that AI can think on the same level as the human mind is a misconception. One that exists without its proper context. Crawford delves into the…