Experiments in digital creation.

  • Influencing Interactive Nonfiction

    In Approaches to Game Construction, Julialicia Case, Eric Freeze, and Salvatore Pane explore essential aspects of game design—such as player types, perspective, and structure—that are crucial to creating immersive and engaging interactive experiences. These ideas resonate strongly with the interactive nonfiction project, especially since we’re using platforms like Twine to construct narratives around dynamic topics…

  • Actual Video Games

    Approached to Game Construction Chapter 9 of Story mode, written by Julialicia Case, Rick Freeze, and Salvatore Pane, discusses the different elements creators must address when constructing narrative driven games. Player Type When talking about games that are primarily text-based, this aspect is kind of confusing to me. It’s easy to imagine a fighting game…

  • So You’re a Gamer?

    We’re so used to thinking about games in the terms of classic Nintendo games like Mario, Legend of Zelda, or Pokemon. Text based games aren’t everyone’s first idea of a video game. Add to that a video game that specifically isn’t even a narrative and you think what am I making and for who?  I’ve…

  • I Love Games!

    What all goes into creating a game? A lot! When it comes to storytelling in games it can be difficult. However, if you make it entertaining and enjoyable for the players, it is a success. I love when game makers entice players into making bad decisions by making that choice seem more interesting. Why would…


    In Story Mode: The Creative Writer’s Guide to Narrative Video Game Design by Case, Freeze, and Pane, we get some basic ideas of the new and evolving world of video games. Now if you’re like me you suck at video games and refuse to play them. This is due to the fact I am bad…

  • Game Immersion

    This week, my peers and I are gearing up to start creating an interactive nonfiction game using Twine. To prepare, we read Julialicia Case, Eric Freeze, and Salvatore Pane’s, Approaches to Game Construction. While I would consider myself a pretty avid gamer, I am not super versed in computer games. So, I think this will…

  • The Final Chapters of Verified and Hammond’s Guide to Twine

    Chapter 10: Ugh Emotions Emotions can be at fault for a lot of what we believe since it can trigger something in us if we care enough. However, if we combine our emotions with analysis we could become unstoppable. Something could be totally wrong but also could be partially true. This is why you always…

  • Verified is Back in Black…. Well Green and White really.

    This week we got dive back into the beloved book that Claufield and Wineberg about… THE INTERNET. Ooooo spooky topic for such a spooky time right? In all seriousness, it isn’t that intimidating, and something that has been talked about throughout the books blogs. This time, focused on the wonderful topic of misinformation. Misinformation can…

  • Week 9 – A Different Experience

    Verified by Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg has turned from a book that helps you verify webpages to a guide to verifying anything you see online. It has made me aware of how easy it is to be deceived online and reminded me to remain vigilant in the face of misinformation. There were 4 topics…

  • This Sponsored Content is Brought to You by a Brand Partner in Association With Your News

    Fake news. We’ve all heard tell of it at the very least, publicized by certain politicians and popularized from 2016 to the present day. Often, to me at least, it meant nothing. It was the hallmark of conspiracy theory. If a trusted news organization (Washington Post, CNN, The New York Times) published it, I would…