Experiments in digital creation.
Putting Verified to practice
Hello y’all, During class, someone brought up how to handle video essay content, so that got me thinking, I should put this stuff into practice, especially the stuff from this week. So lets first look at what we learned this week. Chapters 6-9 of Verified Chapter 6 Chapter six of Verified concerns itself with scholarly…
Peer Review, Ads, and Rhetoric
This week in class we continued our discussion of Verifed, and we also talked about the progress we’re making on our projects. We touched base briefly with our groups for our final project as well. In Verifed, this week’s chapters talked about Wikipedia, the peer review process for academic journals, video tricks, and native advertisements.…
To Believe or Not To Believe
In the world of the internet, getting duped is far too easy. We’ve reached a point where we have to question everything we see. The truths we thought we once knew can no longer be trusted, and in order to figure out how to stop from being bamboozled I return our attention to our good…
A Crash Course in Outsmarting the Internet
Alright, buckle up—let’s dive into Chapters 6 through 9 of Verified by Max Caulfield and Sam Wineburg, where we’re taken on a whirlwind tour of how not to fall for the internet’s most devious tricks. Think of it like a boot camp for your brain’s fact-checking muscles. Here’s the scoop on each chapter, loaded with…
Dirty, Sneaky Tricks on the Web
In chapters 8 and 9 of Verified by the trusty Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg, we learn all about the deceptive tricks internet cons play on users through videos and ads. Throughout this book the authors have been trying to better prepare us for our time on the internet. This has taken form in SIFTing…
Another week of Verified showing me new ways of how people and businesses can take advantage of the Internet.
Forgive me for the long title, but it was the best way to encapsulate this post and this week in general. Anyway, more Verified!! This week we were asked to read chapters 6-9. And while there were some good strategies laid out in these chapters, I felt that there was a lot of info-dumping as…
More of Verified
Chapter 6: The Peer Review one This chapter goes over the importance of peer reviews sources, as well as the process in which the research reports get accepted as peer reviewed. I was surprised to learn that this process has been established since the 1700’s. I would think misinformation would have gone more unchecked in…
Is That *squints* Another Complaint About Facebook
With four chapters of Verified, we have a lot to cover in this week’s post. Shockingly but fortunately, the chapters actually covered different topics this time. Everyone Point and Laugh at Sam Peer review am I right? As college students I’m pretty sure we’ve all been forced to go find peer reviewed articles for the…
Reflecting on Verified
This week, I read chapters six through nine of Verified by Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg, and I’d like to take some time to delve into my thoughts of each chapter. Chapter 6 This chapter rehashed a lot of what I was already familiar with from being a psychology major. Not only is it important…
Wikipedia, Scholars, and Dealing with the Fakers
Peers and Scholars It was interesting to read about the process of publishing an article and what all it undergoes, including peer review. Peer Review is just the first step anyway. It is the “touchstone that separates rigorous research from mere opinion, hearsay, and the untutored opinions of your know-it-all roommate” (122). I’m glad the…