Experiments in digital creation.
Needs Some CSS
With the introduction of HTML, it is inevitable to talk about CSS- Cascading Style Sheets. Through Carrie Dils’s “Introduction to CSS” LinkedIn Learning course, I’ve learned a lot more about the nature of CSS and even gained some tips to keep in mind when I make a CSS file. What’s CSS for? So you’ve made…
Dils and CSS (HTML but prettier)
This week we worked with Carrie Dils to learn how CSS is written and how it interacts with HTML to create the visual effects on a site. My first impression of CSS is that it seems a little more complicated than HTML just because of the fact that you have to think about parents and…
Great… another Language.
Does this make me bilingual? I would say sadly not, but then again I feel like I could argue against that. Anyways, that isn’t the reason I brought up this “beautiful” language that could possibly propose the idea that I am indeed bilingual, but rather that the world of writing has become yet again even…
Week 8 Post – The Conspiracy Quest and CSS
This week was a short week due to fall break. We did a CSS tutorial and talked about our Verification Quests. I have a lot to say about the Quest. CSSWe watched a LinkedIn tutorial on CSS, and it covered a lot of information I was unaware of. I had been experimenting with the basics…
Greetings Jen Simmons survivors! This week we talked about CSS and I learned that, apparently, beauty really is pain; a lot of pain. CSS is the icing on the top of the HTML cake that makes it pretty. Unfortunately, my frosting has absorbed a bunch of cake crumbs and everything is falling to pieces. CSS…
HTML and CSS Reflections
So this is the first time I am writing a blog post with Markdown! So forgive me if some of the formatting is odd. This week we continued our discussion on HTML by learning CSS. Moreover, we have been working on the project Verification Quest. In addition to working on Verification Quest I spent a…
CSS: Breaking News
The Process Learning HTML and CSS back to back has definitely been a tough hurdle. I couldn’t even reliably find my download files just a month ago! Despite that, I now feel the urge to learn as much as I can about CSS. It’s not even just for the sake of our upcoming verification quest…
Connecting the Dots of CSS and HTML
HTML is the bedrock of any webpage. It’s like building a house: HTML lays down the foundation and framework—what rooms are where, the doors, the pipes, the wires. But CSS? That’s the interior design. It’s what transforms that bare-bones structure into something visually appealing, personalized, and unique. Without CSS, a webpage would be pretty dull…
After Fall Break Blues
Chitchat and Small Rant Soooo I hope everyone had a restful fall break! We are back in business this week but guess what we only had half a week! This was nice for me, but also slightly more stressful, because less school days means homework but compressed into one day. Anyways, enough chitchat, let’s talk…
All the CSS (Oh boy)
Anyone else come back from fall break, look at the CSS how-to linked in videos and go ‘oh boy.’ I hope I’m not the only one. It was a lot, but overall very informative. I’ll go over some of what all I was able to take away from it. CSS: The Magic Behind Web Design…