Experiments in digital creation.

  • HTM…huh?

    Well, well, well… we are faced with discussing yet another coding language. This time we are faced with the lovely, and totally not complex at all, HTML. You can think of HTML as your new best friend… or maybe the foundation of everything you see on the internet. Foundation… best friend… bane of my existence……

  • More HTML and Class Chit Chat

    Our Beloved HTML I couldn’t imagine there being so much more to HTML, but I couldn’t be more wrong. I am very grateful for Jen Simmons now because over the weekend I was struggling so much while experimenting with HTML. Then I got into watching the other parts of the guide and things seemed a…

  • The Disconnect

    This week’s discussion in our Digital Writing class was about file paths. Specifically, how most of us have had clue what that really entails. File paths In Monica Chin’s article, File Not Found, the topic of students not understanding the basics of file paths was brought up: The concept of file folders and directories, essential…

  • Is This Math?

    This week I have been experimenting a lot with HTML and I’m going to be honest, I feel like I’m doing math. It’s a strange process where I feel lost in an area where I, normally, am most comfortable. Writing HTML is not super complicated (so far), but it’s tedious. I have to pay careful…

  • The Week Where I Finally See How the Readings are Connected

    We covered a lot this week and some of it didn’t always make sense but that’s ok because that’s how we learn and gain the skills that will hopefully keep us from being unemployed. I am Your Worst Nightmare In class we talked about how organized our laptops and phones are and I have a…

  • Low Fidelity Beats to Relax and Utilize HTML to.

    I don’t organize my files well. At all. I learned that this week. When I open up my “File Explorer,” nothing is in a particular place beyond the photos under the “Photos” tab, and everything else being under the “This PC” tab. I understand that this is not a monumental issue for me right now,…

  • File Not Found … Actually It Was, But Only After Hours of Searching.

    This week, we discussed two readings: Karl Stolley’s “Lo-Fi Manifesto and Moncia Chin’s “File Not Found.” However, in this post I want to focus on Chin’s article, one that discusses file management (and implies that it’s becoming less and less common with students.) Out of the two pieces, I found Chin’s to be a little…

  • Week 6- Mental Models, The Lofi Style, and Power of Learning HTML

    Mental Models This week we read through two websites that discussed digital writing. The first was File Not Found by Monica Chin and the second was The Lofi Manifesto by Karl Stolley. Monica Chin talked about the organizational aspect of computer files and even more about how students do not understand what a file is.…

  • Lo-Fi Tech and You: Why These Things Matter

    Karl Stolley and Monica Chin both talk about something that has been affecting how students interact with the internet, but in a larger microcosm, highlight a systematic issue with how people are interacting with their computers in the first place. Because computers are so commonplace, I think that a lot of basic information about how…

  • Abandonware and My fears

    I believe most people agree that online content should be archived for a variety of reason. The question is what steps are we taking to ensure that they are preserved. We have plenty of archivist who specialize in newspaper, books, music, and etc. We do our best to ensure the original lives, while we create…