Experiments in digital creation.
HTML Learning: Insights from Chin and Stolley
Today, I’d like to explore how Monica Chin’s “File Not Found” and Karl Stolley’s “The Lo-Fi Manifesto” intersect with our journey into learning HTML. Both pieces offer valuable insights that resonate with anyone starting to navigate the digital landscape. In Chin’s “File Not Found,” she highlights the fragility of digital content. She illustrates how rapidly…
Don’t Frant, It’s Still More Complex…
AND we are back. WELL, what did we learn? The simplest way to answer that is to say, the internet got even more complex. We have covered multiple ways of learning from the internet, to how the internet uses advertising as a way for clicks, to even how we can evolve from falling into the…
To Manage Files and Use HTML
Having access to technology like computers means having to learn how to use said technology in the most effective and efficient way. Between managing your files properly to using Lo-Fi technologies such as markup languages like HTML, there are a range of skill sets that are being taken for granted. Into the Trash Bin Monica…
Rethinking File Management and Digital Writing
Mental Models of retrieval This week the class has been experimenting with Markdown and HTML. For the most part, everything that I set out to accomplish, I was successful in–everything except inserting images and getting them to show up properly. As far as I can tell, this problem stems from a lack of file management…
Manifestos and Ranting About File Mangement
Two readings we took a deep look into this week were the Lofi Manifesto (Karl Stolley) and File not found (Monica Chin). When I first saw these on the line-up for this week I was intimated, but let me break them down for y’all… Lofi Manifesto composed by Karl Stolley In this manifesto, Stolley splits…
Now You’re Speaking My Languages: HTML and CSS
While we’ve been learning Markdown–and it’s useful, no doubt–understanding how to build websites and documents truly from the ground up requires knowledge in new territory: HTML and CSS. We had two readings that touched on these topics, “File Not Found” by Monica Chin and “The Lo-Fi Manifesto” by Karl Stolley. We also discussed our how-to…
What do kids know these days?
The Google Generation With new search engines and ways to access files, a gap has occurred between generations of people when it comes to the internet. Many grew up without search engines and nowadays all there is are search engines and social media apps. Catherine Garland states, “I tend to think an item lives in…
One Link Isn’t Enough, Detectives
Let’s face it—we’re drowning in information. Every day we scroll past headlines, tweets, TikTok videos, and posts from that one Facebook friend who always knows just enough to stir the pot. And sometimes, it’s hard to tell what’s true and what’s a dumpster fire of misinformation. Enter Verified by Mike Caulfield and Sam Wineburg, the…
Week 5: Drafts and Head Colds
This week brought some unique challenges. We did some peer reviews in class over our in-progress How To Guides. I’m doing mine over a free-to-play looter shooter called Warframe, a game I’ve been sacrificing my time to since I was 12. I debated for a while on which elements in the game were most important…
Week 5 – Crafting Websites and Verified (or “GET OFF THE PAGE”)
GET OFF THE PAGE This week we read a couple chapters from Verified by Mark Caulfield and Sam Wineburg. The essence of chapters 4 and 5 is that you need to get off of the page that you are on, and you need to browse results carefully while you look for a variety of experts…